TWENTY six years since their formation, twenty years since their much maligned Infernal Lovealbum was released, and just over a year since their last Belfast gig (where they scooped the Oh Yeah Centre's 'Legend' award), Northern Irish alt-metal heroes Therapy?return to the Limelight to perform said album in its entirety. How will they do, playing to a local crowd?
As Limelight 1 began filling up, English punk rockers The Membraneswere given the task of warming the crowd up. The influential Eighties post-punks recently reformed and have seemingly regained the fire of their youth as they steam their way through their half hour set of soaring and expansive post punk.
Although at times their sound is rather floaty/dreamy they're also quite capable of throwing out some spiky, sawing riffs, too. The result is quite textured and interesting (and a touch self indulgent in places). The crowd respond to both the music and hammy, eccentric vocalist/guitarist John Robb with equal measures of bafflement and enthusiasm
As Limelight 1 began filling up, English punk rockers The Membraneswere given the task of warming the crowd up. The influential Eighties post-punks recently reformed and have seemingly regained the fire of their youth as they steam their way through their half hour set of soaring and expansive post punk.