THERE was a weird arrangement for Slomatics 10th Anniversary gig in the Voodoo - because the openers, Zlatanera had the longest set, and The Hornets closed the gig with the shortest set...nevertheless it was storming night of - well, heaviness.

All three acts have a different take on heavy music on Friday, 30th January; but each complimented each other in a strong, muscular evening appreciated by a raucous, beer-fuelled crowd.

Zlatanera's set is balanced and already familiar to many of the crowd. By the second song, 'Holy Man's Crook' the crowd down the front had swelled, singing along with Andy.

In many ways a set that includes a three-song tribute to Satan ('Master of Ceremonies', A Bad Case of The Devil', 'Idle Hand Sataniser') song titles like 'Hooked, Kicked, Hooked Again' and Advance of the Clodhopper' could be written off as whimsical. But it is not.

They are dedicated to providing an atmospheric experience, with depth to their heavy vibes, nods to Sabbath and Down with a dry humour...for exampling dedicating 'Hooked...' to 'Skag'.

Steadily and surely improving Zlatanera - introducing new song 'Delirium Tremens' - they have the potential to reach beyond their current status.

image Slomatics 40-minute set was an intense wall of articulate, almost avant garde aggressiveness. But the dexterity of the playing (all set lists are below) was both entertaining and challenging in a good way.

David, Chris and Marty have given themselves 'a long description' as being "heavy, heavy rock', something they proved on 30th January in bucketloads.

With a punk, thrash, metal The Hornets roared through their 30-minute set in a furious fashion - roars and rocking, blackened punk and an aural assault that

There is a furious anger to the set, in a good way, that delivers smiles and headbanging in equal measure - and that's no bad thing.

Overall, three bands bashed out a brilliant night of entertainment - as Zlatanera said: "beers and riffage" - a recipe all can enjoy

Review & pics by Jonny


Authors: Jonny

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