“A Universe From Nothing” is the fifth album from Danish band Freddy and the Phantoms and it was released through Mighty Music on 24th April. The blues rock band was formed in 2010 by singer and guitarist Frederik ‘Freddy’ Schnoor. The lead-off single from the album “First Blood Universe” was first included on the Friday NI Rocks Show last August, but is included on the Show again on 1st May. The track “Freedom Is A Prison” was included on the Show in January.

There have been a number of line-up changes since Frederick Schnoor formed the band in 2010, but currently it features Rune René Hansen on drums, Anders Haahr on keyboards and Mads Wilken on bass. Guitarist Søren Andersen provides a solo on the track “River of Hate”.
The band released their debut album “Leaving The Landscape” in 2010 before moving to Target Records/Mighty Music for the next four albums. The first of these was “Shadows Across the Country” in 2012, followed by “Times of Division” in 2014 and “Decline of the West” in 2017. The latest release is said to be a conceptual album inspired by Dante’s ‘The Devine Comedy’, Stephen Hawking’s ‘A Brief History of Time’ and the world climate crisis.
Check out the band’s Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/freddyphan/
About “NI Rocks Recommends”
This is purely a personal recommendation and some information about the artist and the album; not a traditional ‘review’. Most of the recommendations posted are for albums that have been sent to us digitally by the record label or promoter. Quite often I’ve also bought the album on CD or vinyl as well and sometimes I just feel the need to post a recommendation for an album that I’ve bought myself. Essentially these are albums that I like and which I’ve played some tracks from on the Shows on Rock Radio NI!