IF you didn't know it already, The Distortion Project in the shape of Mr Loveday, has booked Sabaton to play with Alestorm in March, but if you can't wait until then do you fancy going to Norway?

Because between the 1st and 3rd October in Trondheim Sabaton headline a festival jam packed with metallic delights.

They're joined with power Finnish metal legends Stratovarius...along with a host of others. <br />
imageAnd, in terms if others...Primordial, Korpilanni, Between The Buried And Me, and quite a few others...

US progressive metal legends Between The Buried And Me, the absolutely fantastic Skálmöld,the hugely entertaining doomsters Sahg,Norwegian black metal crew Iskald, their fellow countrymen, doomsters Tombstones as well as a host of others. No serious, a host of others that we haven't the time to list!

To make matters even more tempting the sixth Trondheim metal fest is being held in the Scandic Lerkendal Hotel - the biggest conference hotel in Norway - and for Trondheim Metal Fest there will be three stages, a metal market area, meet and greets, quizzes, etc etc.

Oh, and did we mention Sabaton? And, Stratovrious? Or Skálmöld?

And, feck all that because Promordial are going to tear the hotel apart.

Authors: Jonny

Read More: http://belfastmetalheadsreunited.blogspot.com/2015/06/comin-atcha-norway-in-autumn-well-if.html