As many music fans already know, Mikee W Goodman has been busy with SikThfor the past year, working on their first new material nine years. What most did not know, is that he has recorded an entire album with Anglo/Japanese electronic/rock/metal outfit OUTSIDE THE COMA, which is available now on iTunes and Amazon Worldwide.

Completed by vocalist Yuuri B Joux, guitarist Charley Olsen, Drummer Will Romain and bassist/keyboardist Kieron Pepper, OUTSIDE THE COMA is a maniacal melting pot of musical minds.

“It’s been a wild road from where we were to here. I’m really proud of what we’ve made musically. If people are open to new experimentation in music, they should give it a listen for sure”

After first meeting in a Shibuya club in 2012, and subsequent trips to and from Japan, both Mikee W Goodman and co-vocalist Yuuri B Joux became quite close. Getting honest emotion out is important to both of them.

Yuuri ” Even through language differences, sometimes myself and Mikee talk about deep and serious stuff and I think we have connections when it comes to darkness. In emotions, we are both linked to anger and sadness.”

Mikee “We just want to spread our music. Today is harder than ever to do that. Especially if you do not fit in any scene”.

Check out the video for ‘Flavour Of The Weak for a taste of what’s on offer:



Outside The Coma – The Battle Of Being Available on iTunes Worldwide:

CD Version is available through their Japanese Record Company Zestone Records

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