A regular feature highlighting some of the best album releases each month. I don’t do album “reviews” – this is simply a personal recommendation to check out an album - just a few words about the albums that appeal to me and about the artists releasing them. These will also be albums from which I’ll have been playing tracks on the Friday NI Rocks Shows recently. This month it includes albums from FM, Slash and Black Diamonds.
There are two NI Rocks Shows uploaded each week on Rock Radio NI. These are the playlists for those Shows for the month of April 2024 – all of which are still available from the On Demand Player. There are tracks by around 160 different artists on the Shows this month.
Playlists for March were published previously and those Shows are also still available via the On Demand Player - http://www.rockradioni.co.uk/news/rrni-updates/3901-ni-rocks-playlists-for-march-2024
There were no new interviews this month, but there was a promo feature with Kris Barras chatting about the new album “Halo Effect”.
All of our previous interviews can be found here - http://www.rockradioni.co.uk/interviews.html and on the NI Rocks MixCloud page as well - https://www.mixcloud.com/NIRocks/ .
A regular feature highlighting some of the best album releases each month. I don’t do album “reviews” – this is simply a personal recommendation to check out an album - just a few words about the albums that appeal to me and about the artists releasing them. These will also be albums from which I’ll have been playing tracks on the Friday NI Rocks Shows recently. This month it includes albums from the Kris Barras Band, Junkyard Drive, King Zebra and Kickin Valentina.
Read more: NI ROCKS Recommends - Album Releases for APRIL 2024